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Technology has improved over time and has influenced numerous aspects of our lives. Unlike some time ago, people were used to writing letters and wait for a couple of days to get a reply. Nowadays, in just a blink of an eye, we receive messages right away. The internet, particularly social media sites, helped us to communicate to whomever in a split second. It truly widens the idea of people’s communication which was previously limited by place and time. Nevertheless, similar to typical objects or occurrences with advantageous effects, it also has its disadvantages.Some people use internet as a tool to conduct acts that can benefit them at the expense of another. Some unknowingly perform, a criminal act by means of computers and the internet. This crime is considered as the most rampant and growing crimes being committed today, that is why the government decided to make a law to deter it.

On September 12, 2012, the Republic Act No. 10175 was promulgated. Accordingly, cyber and crime are the words comprising the enforced law. The acts that constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable under the Act, are: offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems and computer-related offenses. It has a correspondingly penalty of imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of at least Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P 200,000.00) up to a maximum amount commensurate to the damage incurred. With our meager technical knowledge, we might have been a perpetrator or victim under this law.

Top Five Cybercrimes

According to Dr. Ryan Ko, head of Cyber Security Researchers of Waikato (CROW), the reasons why crimes through internet or any electronic web and its impact might not be recognized because of its conceptual scenery and people do not know how to defend themselves from the things that are not visible or unknown to them. Here, he mentioned the five eminent criminal acts through the use of technology and internet that individuals should be alert of since these crimes take different forms. The following are:

a.) Ransomware, a kind of cybercrime that attacks your data through coding and most of the time, perpetrator encrypts your whole system. Once succeed in encrypting, data will be used to threaten you that its content will be published, or you will be blocked and unable to access it unless ransom is paid. This is the reason why it is called “ransom” by nature. Although there is still no effectual means to remediate from this ransomware assault, backing up your data on your other devices will be a huge aid to avoid this kind of ransom. How about when this is done or experienced, what is the section of the law being violated? Section 4 of RA 10175 states that, “Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems: (1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right. (2) Illegal Interception. – The interception made by technical means without right of any non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a computer system including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying such computer data. (3) Data Interference. — The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses xxx.” Anyone who go against this rule will be punished as mentioned herein.

b.) Spear phishing: a kind of cybercrime that targets an innocent victim by hooking into clicking a bad link to load some malware into his computer. The perpetrator usually sends the phishing emails to key personnel in an organization. It is their way to acquire confidential information and get an access to a company's key assets in its structure. This cybercrime offense is another violation of RA 10175 section 4 since perpetrator’s target is to breach a security defense of the company or someone’ data for financial gain purpose. Committer will receive punishment for committing such act as specified by law.

c.) Unauthorized resource usage: A kind of cybercrime wherein a website is illegally accessed to host other an inappropriate content without the knowledge of the owner. According to Dr. Ko, if you and your service provider will not secure your website appropriately then, it will be easy for the criminal to do hacking. Updating regularly of your website can avert this type of case. Anyone committing this will constitute a cybercrime offense punishable under RA 10175 because of interfering someone’s data or system without right or authority.

d.) Online credit card fraud compromise: A kind of cybercrime wherein a card information travelling the internet is illegally intercepted when making online purchase. It is not new to everyone if sometimes you may observe that your card has experienced a few small charges, trailed by enormous charges by an unidentified company. Under Republic Act 10175 section 4, this kind of incident is already a violation and will constitute a cybercrime punishable under this act. The best way to prevent this incident is to sign up with a credit card company that is active in giving you warn pertaining to the anomalous happenings related to your credit card.

e.) Identity theft: This kind of crime happens when someone is trying to present himself as another person through the use of that person’s name and other identifying info. Nowadays, since people around the world uses technology and online social media has become the mainstream activity, it becomes easy for the perpetrator to accomplish this kind of crime. By simply stalking someone’s Facebook and other online accounts, he can easily pose as you. To avoid this crime, learn to practice warning when posting information online, and having a separate emails or account for personal contacts.

Other than the ones listed above, there are still several other cybercrimes identified by the Official Gazette (2015) under Section 5 with its equivalent punishment and/or penalty such as cyber-squatting, cybersex et al.

After considering all of the definitions, varieties and corresponding punishments and/or penalties, what can we come up with these? Are we safer now subsequent to all imposed laws and punishments if this crime is committed?

Although it cannot be concluded that all of us are preys to these cybercrimes, but still we are at risk. Technology always swells and societies all throughout the world are extremely dependent on the advancement of technology because it has made living much easier and so convenient for everyone. That is why even within computers, crimes can be executed. Cybercrimes always vary, people must expect that crimes won’t just transpire through robbing in banks, convenience stores and others since the technology is growing, it’s no longer required for the culprit to hold a guns or any sharp objects to commit crimes, by just holding a mouse and password, crimes can be executed even living very far away from its targets and they wouldn’t even realize that they were being victimized. In order to prevent crimes through cyber, people should take responsibility of owning social media accounts and any other accounts connected to the internet. Moreover, users should be skeptic and not believe everything they see on the internet. Although there is an enforced law, enforcement must still be better ready to deal with many phases of cybercrimes.

Social Media without question is the most concerns of the society. With the continuous development and great advancement of technology, various crimes through cyber are also spreading all throughout the world to haunt for preys. In order to know the insights of individual, I conducted a survey pertaining to offenses or acts that people might not realize are cybercrimes. The survey’s aim was to help respondents realize the potential attacks of these crimes and learn from its threats in order to protect themselves.

As a result, majority of the respondents claimed that they experienced cybercrimes without realizing it and have been victim of crimes through cyber. When asked if the laws in effect are able to control cybercriminals, majority disagreed because even though there is law that halts the nonstop evolution of this crime, many are still experiencing cybercrimes. Undoubtedly, cybercrimes’ victim is pinched from all ages in all zones of the nation, giving us awareness that no individual feels safe while using computers and other gadgets.

I also gave tips about how to deal with cybercrimes since perpetrators can bull's eye their target even from miles away. Everyone must do all they can to protect themselves. Knowing first who they are interacting through online and taking time to think before making a verdict are the best way to prevent from being preys of cybercrimes.


  • GOVPH.” Implementing Rules and Regulations Cyber Crimes Law”. August 25, 2015

  • University of Waikato. “Top 5 Cyber Crimes likely to affect you”. June 24,2016


About the Writer

Leo Luisito L. Cornelio is a law student of University of Southern Philippine Foundation.

He was a member of Atenean community and during his younger years, he was an active leader for youth and joined different organizations to serve God and be a man for others.

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