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Education is one of the fundamental factors of development.No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people’s understanding of themselves and the world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society.(1)

Our law-making body understands the important role of quality education in the development of the country, thus making all necessary laws needed to provide equal access of every citizen to quality education.

Section 2,Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution denotes that the state shall encourage non-formal,informal and indigenous learning system,independent and out-of-school study programs particularly those that responds to community needs.(2)

Republic Act 9155 also states that the school shall be the heart of the formal education system.Schools shall have a single aim of providing the best possible basic education for all learners.(3)

With all these provisions stated in our laws, the Department of Education issued DepEd D.O No.74 series of 2010 or otherwise known as the Guidelines on Mainstreaming the Drop Out Reduction Program (DORP) in the Basic Education Program.

The effectiveness of the DORP in reducing dropout rates,in increasing participation rate and improving learning outcomes using formal,non-formal and informal approaches has been proven in many schools across regions.

Anchored on the targets of Education for All (EFA) 2015, the DORP aims to contribute to the achievement of improved performance indicators in basic education. These approaches utilize the Family, Individual, Community and School (FICS) Analysis to facilitate the identification of learners-at-risk of dropping out (LARDO) by introducing the appropriate interventions. (4)

The aims of the DORP are:

1. To reduce, if not totally eliminate school dropout;

2. To increase retention rate of the students;and

3. To retrieve learners who are out of school.(5)

As the DepEd D.O.#74 s.2010 focuses on our learners constitutional rights. But,it also gives an additional burden to the side of our teachers. As a teacher, I have seen the negative impacts and misconception of ideas that reached the mind of the parents in the implementation of the said campaign.

For several years of teaching , I have noticed the rampant use of most parents of the term “Zero Failure” , thus giving me enough reason to conduct this research to give further analysis on the parents’ perception and known application of the said Department Order.

As I interviewed parents of my students regarding their familiarity or comments on the on-going “ZERO-FAILURE” campaign, most of them say that such campaign was implemented in order for their students to pass even though their students attendance and retention in class is declining and grades are failing.

Learners, specially the boys, are very susceptible to dropping out from school due to the following reasons:

1. Involvement of fraternities and other unrecognized organizations that

initiates violence inside and outside the school premises;

2. Seen patterns of computer addiction;and

3. Lose of interest in the mid-part of the school year.

According to The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),

“The gender pattern in the Philippines is different from the majority of developing countries where girls are at the disadvantage. In the Philippines, it is the boys who are not participating equally in basic education."

With these following reasons, teachers, just to get the students attention and in preventing them from dropping at the middle of the school year, should do all necessary means just to know the reasons of students lack of interest in school and will help them with the possible intervention that is applicable for them.

But as teachers continues to conduct different types of methods and supplementary techniques in helping the learners , I have observed that every year the additional burden that our educators have to endure has significantly increased as the number of students that needs intervention and is susceptible in dropping out to school arises. Also, as aforementioned ,the learners and some of the parents and guardians “misconceptualized” the term “ZERO FAILURE”.

Most of the parents believe that whether or not their child’s scholastic retention declines , the teacher is obliged to let the learners pass or be promoted to the next level because of the promise of the term “ZERO FAILURE.”

As a teacher, I further conclude that “ZERO-FAILURE” is a misnomer.

Students, as well as, parents and guardians needs to remember that, Education is a 3-way process that actively involves parents, students and teachers. If one element of such, fails to comply its work, then the whole process cease to exist. It is a collaborative work and thus participation of every element is very much required.

If in some instance of a learner’s educational life, a parent lose their will to guide the learners in their quest for quality and relevant education, then the teacher will have problems in inculcating its significance to the learners.

In a blog written by Joey R. Silva,a teacher in Maraviles, Bataan,he emphasized that :

“There is actually a big difference between quality and quantity and it does not mean that a big number will always be the solution in response to the issue.What we need are dignified future leaders and not just great number of people who will just bring predicament to our economy. What we want are people who will choose to do what is right and who will apply the knowledge and right conduct as member of society.” (6)

Such statement is clearly a manifestation that what we need are competent individuals and not just a huge number of graduates who cannot even contribute in the economic development of the society.

The term “Zero Failure” is obviously not mandatory provision by the Department of Education DepEd Order No.74 s.of 2010, what was expressly provided in the mentioned Department Order was to minimize if not totally eliminate the drop-out rate.Thus, still giving the teachers the right to drop students, given that they have already exercised all necessary interventions to help the learner in their quest for quality education. This order does not hinder a teacher’s academic freedom but gives them a task to prevent their students from dropping out or losing interest to go to school.



In order to remove misconceptions on the implementation of DepEd D.O. no 74,s.of 2010, I conducted an information drive in Catmon Integrated School.

Also, for some parents whose attendance is very much required because of their child’s scholastic development but were unable to attend the seminar, I conducted a house to house information dissemination.

It was participated by approximately 25 parents of the learners who are identified as learners at risk of dropping out.




Charlene A. Dumdumaya is a first year law student of University of Southern Philippine Foundation.

She is a Teacher by profession and is currently teaching at Catmon Integrated School.

She is a firm believer that education is the most important weapon to change the world.



[1] Ozturk,Ilhan “The Role of Education in Economic Development”, (8/25/18)

[2] Section 2,Article XIV, 1987 Constitution,February 2,1979

[3] Section 3, RA 9155, Governance of Education Act 0f 2001, August 11,2001

[4] DepEd Department Order No. 74 s.2010,August 24,2018

[5] Supra

[6] Silva , Joey R., The Drawbacks of Mass Promotion in Elementary and Secondary level in the Philippine Educational System (, 08/14/2018.

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